Friday, August 20, 2010

Photos from Cape Town

1) Leaving Cape Town on August 4th, 2010.

2) My complicated trip back home! We had to take 4 flights that lasted over 30 hours!

3) Me outside of our B&B (hotel) in Cape Town. Isn't the mountain in the background beautiful?

4) Ms. Ade and Ntosh at the Mama Africa restaurant in Cape Town.

5) Me at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town.

6) Ms. Ade and I in front of the V&A Waterfront.

7) High school students at LEAP Maths & Science Academy in Langa. These students have a weekly meeting where they discuss important events and issues with each other.

8) This is a technology/computers class at the LEAP school in Langa (near Cape Town).

9) LEAP students playing soccer during a break.

10) One of the BEST meals I had in South Africa! This was a chicken sandwich from the Hussar Grill in Rondebosch.

11) Me talking and hanging out with an 11th grade student at LEAP.

12) This is the Nelson Mandela flower.

13) We visited Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden in Cape Town. It was so beautiful.

14) This is a photo showing what Cape Town is like. It doesn't look all that different from any other big city except that it has gorgeous Table Mountain in the background.

15) This is a photo of one of the booths where you could buy jewelry at Green Market Square. I loved shopping in South Africa. There's so much beautiful jewelry to choose from!

16) This silly photo shows me and Ms. Ade after we returned from a boat trip to Robben Island. If you look at this photo closely you can see Table Mountain in the background.

17)This photo was taken when our boat was coming back to shore. We had to take a 20 minute boat ride out to Robben Island. I think the boat ride (it was very bumpy!) was one of my favorite parts of the whoel trip! I love waves.

18)Visiting Robben Island was truly depressing. This is the prison where Nelson Mandela was a prisoner for 27 years.

19)This is a jail cell at Robben Island.

20) Our tour guide was a former prisoner. He was kept in jail for 20 years because he was fighting the apartheid government.

21)This photo shows the V&A Waterfront in the background but I'm actually on boat! This was the boat we took out to Robben Island.

22) One of the places that we visisted while in Cape Town was a wine farm. Behind me you see tons and tons of grapes being grown.

23) We saw penguins!!!

24) More penguins!!!

26) All of us at the Cape of Good Hope. This is the southwestern most point in Africa.

27)This was Camps Bay near Cape Town.

28) This is a view of Cape Town. Even with the clouds, isn't this city so beautiful?

I'm sorry for the delay in posting pictures. Right after I got back from South Africa I actually traveled to South Dakota for a week so I've been out of town a lot this summer. I'm happy to be back home finally and I hope you enjoy the photos.
I'm looking forward to school starting in a couple of weeks. If you are one of my sixth graders from the 2009-2010 school year and you want to know more about my trip then just stop by my room one afternoon or morning and we can chat! I hope everyone is having a great summer.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playing catch up!

Hey everyone, we are back from South Africa and I have a lot of catching up to do! I really enjoyed my trip and learned a lot from it. I visited seven schools total and I have a lot to share with you. Over the next few days look for all kinds of photos and videos from our trip. Please share your thoughts and let me know what you think!