Friday, June 25, 2010

One week later...

Wow, so I really can't believe a whole week has gone by since school let out! I miss all of my students and hope all of you are enjoying your summer!

I have been very busy so far... As many of you know, I am in school too and my professors have given us so much work to do that I feel like I have been drowning in my school work. I bet you guys think that's funny. :) Plus, I spent two days back at Northwest doing stuff so it hasn't really felt like school has ended. Also, I read a really good book that I wish I could share with all of you but I can't because it's top secret and not yet published. My author friend gave me a copy of it and I really do hope it gets published because it's really, really neat and I think a lot of you readers (especially the girls) would LOVE it.

Tomorrow I am attending a reading workshop for teachers and last week when I went to the first part of it they gave us a homework assignment -- can you believe that?!?! I was surprised but the homework assignment was really cool. I had to somehow show what kind of a reader I am. So, I did this semi-artistic poster that tells you what's going on in my mind while I am reading. Take a look at it and let me know if your brain does this or if you experience reading differently.
Today I went to the beach so today was really the first day that actually felt like summer. Then I went to the library and picked up four books to read so I will definitely be busy reading for fun this weekend. Here's what I got:

1. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (this is another one of those books where the main character dies and she's reflecting on the last day of her life)
2. Learning to Swim in Swaziland (a picture book about a country in Africa called Swaziland)
3. Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folk Tales (remember him -- he was the president of South Africa)
4. Sister Slam (a novel-in-verse)

I'll let you know what I think of these!

The last thing I wanted to share with you all is that there is supposed to be a really exciting soccer game tomorrow. The U.S. will be playing Ghana, another African country, and it's going to be really neat because it will be sort of a rematch from the last World Cup when Ghana beat out the United States. So a lot of Americans are really into this game. Me? Well, I'm rooting for Ghana. :)

Hope everyone's doing well! Leave us a comment so we know what you're up to!