Saturday, July 24, 2010

First day here!

Wow, so after a very long trip, Ms. Ade and I have arrived in South Africa. We left New York at 10:30am on Thursday and arrived in South Africa Friday morning at 9am. Because of the time difference we ended up traveling for almost 24 hours!!! When we arrived it took another hour and a half to finally get to where we are staying, a bed & breakfast in a neighborhood of Johannesburg (the biggest city in South Africa) called Melville.

Here are some pictures from yesterday. The first picture shows our group arriving at the b&b in Melville. Once we arrived we went to lunch and ate delicious chicken at a restaurant called Nando's. After that we went to an African history museum, which was very cool. I have a lot of great photos from the museum but the internet connection here is not great so it is taking me 5 minutes to upload each picture and we are going to leave soon so I'll have to post the rest of the pictures later.

The last three pictures are from dinner last night. We went to Gramadoela's, a somewhat famous restaurant by the Market Theater in downtown Johannesburg. There are photos of me and Ms. Ade outside of the restaurant and then, since it was my birthday yesterday, the group surprised me with a birthday cake and they sang the birthday song to me! This is what you see in the final picture.

Today we are going to Soweto, the neighborhood where a lot of students started protesting for the right to better education in 1976. We'll be visiting the Hector Pieterson Museum (he was the first child to die in the Soweto Uprising). We'll also visit the Apartheid Museum. And we'll be eating lunch in Soweto. I'm excited but I know today is going to be more of a sad, reflective day because of all of the depressing stuff we will be seeing and reliving.

If you have any questions, please post a comment and I'll try to respond when I can. Hope everyone is well!