Friday, July 9, 2010

Oops... I was wrong!

My sister informed me that I posted the wrong information about Paul the Octopus. Apparently he did NOT pick the Netherlands to win -- he picked Spain. Sorry for all the confusion!

Click here to watch the Youtube video.

I still think it's crazy that people care what this octopus "thinks." But then again there are people in the Netherlands who believe that there is a psychic parakeet that can also predict the winner so I really don't know anymore...

In other news, I am freaking out a little bit because everyone told me that July=winter in South Africa so I had assumed the weather would be kind of on the chilly side. But then this week several people told me it's quite hot there and I should bring summer clothes and sandals and stuff so I have no idea what to pack! I am only planning on taking one bag so I don't have to carry a lot of stuff with me but I don't want to bring all summer clothes and freeze and I don't want to bring all fall clothes and be too hot. Oy. I need to do more research on what the weather will be like.

Is everyone ready to watch tomorrow and Sunday's games? I am!